Series 1 2+2 windshield replacement

Carsten, Metric is fine for me, i typically use it where exact measurements are needed. I can convert to inches easily. Jerry has it correct. the drawing gives the only places to measure even though the perspective makes it look odd to the actual numbers found. I look forward to seeing the metric values, whenever you have time. I have not tried the Pilkington link .

If you look closer, you’ll notice that the Pilkington picture which I posted above shows their reference measures.


Carsten, i’m sorry i do not see that you have posted anything with measurement on it or any picture at all. this thread has gone awry.

Carsten did include the measurements in post 22. It was rather faint though so here it is enhanced:


thank you, i see it now and on 22, i was looking for a picture, missed the line. sorry. lost in translation :slight_smile:

I finally went out and took the measurements. They are almost identical on both of my windshields to what Pilkington sent me (see above).

In mm:

I got 485 screen height, 1288 max width, and the curved thing is 1460, measured on the OUTSIDE with an old seat belt. The thickness is 7 mm, two layers of glass can be identified clearly.

So, yes you absolutely can trust the figures given by Pilkington. I think that I will buy my new windshield from them.


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FWIW and just as a backup to what Carsten stated…just measured my new (a few years ago) Pilkington windshield that’s yet to be installed, my measurements are identical to what Carsten posted with the exception of the thickness. Mine is 6mm and you can also see the three sheets of material.

It still has their sticker on it:

HT0295 CL

4311 ACL

FW 00195 CLN


Made in England