Series One XJ6 Trunk

List I have a question that is hard to put into words.

In the 71 xj6 boot, or trunk to us Yankees, there are 2 levels back to front. Both levels are covered with what I think is a vinyl pad with insulation underneath the vinyl. The riser between is a Two horizontal Levers Is 4- 5 inches.

My question; is the vertical rise covered? Is it a separate piece. And if so, is it the same combination of vinyl and insulation?


That vinyl is called Hardura and was fitted to early cars. Daimlers and later cars had nylon carpet in the boot,but the riser was always covered by the piece on the higher section ( ie the bit dropped down and the main boot floor covering butted up to it)

Indeed, and there is the recess to accept my golf clubs…:slight_smile:

xj6 85 Sov Europe (UK/NZ)