Shop in SF Bay Area that can work on IRS hub bearings

I’m looking for a referral to a shop in the San Francisco Area that can properly service the bearings in my (SII XKE) IRS. Need new bearings and end flat properly set.

Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

I’m already talking to XKMotorsorts in SLO.


If no recommendations are forthcoming you might try contacting the local JCNA chapter and ask for a recommendation.

Edit: Click on their advertisements link near the top of the page and you get a long list of local experts.

Try Images in Campbell or
On The Road Again Classics in Morgan Hill

Consider speaking with Clint at British Car repair in San Rafael. If he cant do it, he will know who can

Clint at British Car Repair in San Rafael and Mark Singleton at British European Motors in Cotati/Rohnert Park should both be able to help you. I’ve used both shops in the past.

Andy S2.

I’ll work with Clint any day. He’s a marvelous technician and a gentle soul of a human-being. Mark Singleton on the other hand is a nightmare. I can’t speak to the technical prowess of his shop but I’ve had one interaction with him that left me flabbergasted at his lack of tact. He was nothing but a condescending and pompous prick and I took my money elsewhere immediately. I wouldn’t touch British European Motors with a 20ft pole.

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Clint is the best shop - hands down!