Spring Jag swap

Just did a “Jag Swap” to my storage facility. S1 E-Type FHC in, XK140 MC OTS out. It’s very interesting to drive these two brothers back to back. The E-Type feels light and nimble, while the XK140 feels more solid and stable.


Beautiful cars

I agree that there is quite a difference. The E-type is more nimble and powerful but I really enjoy the raw feel of my 140 OTS. And, I think the 140 gets more attention even though the E is supposed to be more beautiful. Same reason for chocolate and vanilla ice cream.


The front of your 140 looks a lot cleaner than mine, which has the bumper overriders and a bar with touring badges. This has inspired me to clean mine up as well.

Yes, I like the “less is more” look. The P. O. Had removed the over riders and I did not even get them. I had thought of even removing the front bumper completely for the race look.

Until you called attention to it I did not even notice the overriders were missing, but I agree the car looks much better without them. I will add that to my almost infinite list of “to do” points on my cars in the cosmetic category.

Mine are already gone!
It’s now lighter, faster, and looks cooler :grin:

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