The Hertic 120 (SBC) is for sale

After 50 years it’s time to let my old friend go… I have an offer from a DEALER in LA and a Classic/Hotrod dealer coming tomorrow morning.
I have been of site for awhile. Finished my 53Studebaker coupe resto mod which at 75 years old is easier for me to drive. A busted back makes the Jag a little more difficult to in and out. With power of the 350 things can happen quickly. ALSO wife won’t ride in it (no belts) after she was in a head on total in her car.

So…any ideas ?
I have posted pictures here for years…but am at a loss posting here more…

This needs to be placed in the classifieds section with all relevant details, posting pictures is done by using the up arrow.

Thanks Robin. I had been off the site for several years…too many car projects ! I think I can lter today and get these pictures etc in the right place.

Curious. What is the mileage since the conversion?

Originally conversion 1956 ? No idea.?
Since last iteration about 15,000.
Hard to answer about total mikes as I have it 50 years and three iterations…

I wndered from time to timw, aa you and the heretic. hope it finds a great new home. I hope you and your back do better. I trust the Studebaker has belts and the wife rides in it. Flowing winds and trailing seas.

I have been off site as well for a shorter period. My ancint old dell has been fading away.

This is a newer device wqith a newer Os. I am moving in to it as I learn to navigate heree.


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Hi Carl ! Glad to see us long timers continue to get longer time ! Hope you are well. I leave at 6am for a corporate meeting in Peehonex (Phoenix), one of my least favorite places and through the rush hour. Taking wife’s car.

Had several offers for the Heretic…it’s time for another one to experience and treasure.