Think Before You Leap

After yesterday’s mini disaster with the Jag (don’t ask, but all sorted now…). Let’s just say a moment when the wheels are off whilst oiling the springs etc I should not wish to witness again.

Anyways, finished piddly tinkering jobs today including dealing with usual rattles of assorted tools, potions and other necessary evils one carries around. Whilst tidying in the boot discovered a damp patch under the mat, and the underside of the mat was sodden. Groan – not a sodding leak of the boot seal – it’s been perfect for years. I use the car in all weathers so a dry boot is essential. I know, the can of transmission fluid! Alas no, factory sealed and dry as a bone and damp is definitely watery not oily. How about that bottle of coolant top up - no, same, dry as the aforesaid.

Didn’t have the heart, energy or wish to tackle this just now, so removed the mat, dried the boot floor, left in garage with boot open to dry thoroughly. I placed the mat to dry by draping it over some garden tools and decided to worry about it another day.

A few hours pass and I returned to the garage on another errand to discover the mat was so wet it was actually dripping on to the floor, but something didn’t look right. I placed a clean piece of white card where the drops fell and the water was a beautiful rosy pink! What the ….

And then I remembered; until the leaky core plug was sorted a couple of weeks ago, that gallon container of mixed (red) coolant that was in the boot until recently…

So, your epitaph will read similarly to mine; “It’s always something”.

The mat may be permanently ruined with that fluid?

Our antifreeze is green or yellow on this side of the pond.


Should just wash out, with copius amounts of fresh water.

Watch out for animals getting to the juice as it is VERY toxic.


“Watch out for animals getting to the juice as it is VERY toxic.”

On it, but thank you for the reminder.

"So, your epitaph will read similarly to mine; “It’s always something”. "

Here in UKadia we often quote Spike Millagan’s epitaph “I told you I was ill.”

“The mat may be permanently ruined with that fluid?” - Certainly it will not freeze.

“Our antifreeze is green or yellow on this side of the pond.”

We have yellow, green, red and blue. Blue is traditional based upon ‘Blucol’ and red is the long life generally. Yellow seems more the exiled Europe and Green or Blue for traditionalists. Let us not get in the bollox (official term) about mixing different types…)