Time to Move On

Hello All -

New to the forum however long time Jaguar owner.
I have had a 1967 xke series 1.5 coupe in the family since 1981. It is time to move it along.

Any suggestions on best way to move it?

Welcome Joshua,

You’re welcome to post to our classified forum, although I think you need to make more posts before having full access to it. If you can stand some heat, Bring a Trailer is probably the most efficient marketplace. The commenters can be a bit harsh though so try to not let the admins bully you into not setting a reserve price. If it doesn’t meet reserve you can always negotiate with the two highest bidders. Listings with no reserve do tend to sell a bit below market in my experience.


Try selling it on the Bring a Trailer website. It is a great way to sell collectible cars.


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As others have said, use Bring A Trailer: they will require a minimum of 100 pictures. 500 is better.