Want to help solve a Lumps riddle?

If you’ve seen my previous post, you probably have a good idea what I’m up to with my students. If you want to help our a bit, could use some assistance in researching a small block Chevy oil pan that’ll work for this application.
In the picture above, it appears the oil pan sump has been modified to make clearance for the sway (anti-roll) bar & possibly the steering center link as well.
Would like to avoid reworking a pan if one that’ll fit already exists. My guess is a pan with narrower and perhaps deeper sump than a stock one.
I think there are a couple of clues in the picture for one to estimate the sump size (like the bolt pattern) ….

The engine block is a 1977 350.
If you see a pan that you think will work please post the link to this topic.
Thank you !!!

Might be easier to re-bend the ARB.

Is the steering linkage as tight into that pan as the photo makes it look? If so that’s gonna be rough.

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Early 1960’s Chevy II or Nova.

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Yes I found a similar one a little cheaper. The chevy II OIL pan might be as close as I come .

Agree also with Wolf… the center link looks like it could easily rub on the pan in that picture. I’ve also included a picture of the top end of the engine compartment… looks like the engine/transmission might be able to sit a bit higher… not much but every fraction of an inch will help.

Not sure what arb is…

ARB is a common acronym for anti roll bar.

If you are not familiar with the Carroll Smith books (Engineer to Win, Tune to Win, Fastener Handbook) I would highly recommend them.

I use a chevy Nova oil pan. Same as the above. You have to change the oil pick-up.

If you are not familiar, I would suggest the Carroll Smith Engineer to Win and Fastener books.
Should be required study for budding hot rodders/racers.

Steve Williams
402.690.8655 cell

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would a dry sump pan hang down too low?

Dry sump pans are made for external oil pumps. There won’t be enough clearance for the standard oil pump in the pan.

You should note that the cheaper pan fits 1986 and later model small blocks. You said yours dates from 1977.

Thanks Mike . Yeah they changed the crankshaft oil seal at that time . Thanks for the reminder

Don have you done this conversion ?

My car has this oil pan to clear the rack. The oil pick-up was changed. This oil pan has been on two engines of mine.

Would it be possible for to you send me a picture of your motor mounts & oil pan?

Will try and get to it later today

No hurry but thanks you !!! This will help.

Here’s some old pics I have on file. I’ll try and get a shot of the underneath. The thing’s driving atm so it’s a bit tight under there.

engine mount01