What did you do to your E-Type today? (Part 1)

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Have you had a look in User Guides and How-Tos ?

Or run though the guided tutorials:

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Who reads user guides and manuals? :smiley:


We’re mostly men- we don’t ask for directions 'cause we already know everything :rofl::scream::rofl:

An observation about this particular thread…the open ended topic line and the resultant rambling nature of the thread is causing many interesting subjects to get buried amongst and between other topics and within general minutia. I dislike digging around inside the thread to reconstruct a coherent chronology of something that piqued my interest a few weeks ago. Would be much more organized and easier to sift out items of interest if individual technical subjects were under separate topics.

Agreed, and speaking of penguins…

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…I believe a discussion about nuns belongs in the Pub section.

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The only things you can do are use bookmarks, or the search.

If you’d like me to go through the forum and weed, then:

a) that’s not going to win me any popularity prizes.
b) I’ll need to be given a much larger bag of peanuts, daily.

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How much bigger?

We can take up a collection…

I thought this topic was rather special in that it is a hodge-podge of posts covering what people are actually doing to their cars and wasn’t thought to be an in depth discussion of any particular topic or task. I find it fascinating to follow along in one central location on what others are doing.


It wasn’t meant for you to do anything. Just a general observation that was triggered by the discussion about finding/responding/connecting to subjects buried in the thread. There’s an underlying reason that bookmarks and searches have to be used. While the thread might not have been intended to be an in-depth discussion of technical items…that’s what has happened (scattered in the chatter). I believe the technical integrity and the functionality of the forum is losing something in the process. FWIW.

Yesterday I went to see Dad. At 93 he still shows no signs of wanting to slow down or give up. But he is slow and frail and I am concerned about him getting behind the wheel of one of his cars to drive anywhere. So yesterday he had a little treat, I took him to deliver his prescription to the local medical centre in the E-Type. He manged to get in and out of the car without any assistance. It’s quite throaty, he said, as I pulled gently away from a junction. And he was still smiling when I drove home afterwards.

I regularly drive the 50 miles to see Dad. But the round trip nearly always ends up being more than 100 miles. Yesterday’s drive was 130 as I took a detour to check the precise locations of a pair of dinosaur museums, an ancient Egytology exhibition and an original 19th century courthouse museum, all in the space of a few yards of each other in Dorchester. I wonder what next time’s mileage will be and where I will go


Moments to treasure Chris. You are so fortunately to have your father around.


93 and still going strong, that is a treasure indeed. And to have such moments - priceless !


AND he can still get in & out of an E-type!


My dad passed ten years ago today. Treasure the moments.


Purchased my E about 8 years ago and by that time Dad was ill a too weak to travel (from Italy) for a visit and check out the car.
He passed away last November, on his birthday,the day after mom got back from the States to attend my daughters wedding. During one of my visits I gave him E literature and a Hayens manual , Mom said he would spend hours looking at it. I always sent him photos using WhatsApp thru my sister.
He was a car guy and would have loved to be around the E.
You are very lucky , continue to cherish every moment with you father.


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My 96 year old mom is still driving - a Ford Taurus. Says to hurry up and get the E assembled so she can use it instead!


Since we are talking awesome dad‘s here, my dad passed one year ago and is part of the reason I decided to dive in to owning an “always wanted” E-type. He taught me everything I needed to know about working on cars and life

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