Wiring diagram - readable size

I got frustrated trying to read my wiring diagram so I took a picture and had it printed 24x36 at Walgreens … came out amazing!

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I had the same problem – – – and the same solution (but not at Walgreen’s)

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FYI, found these on the web…………


Bill; You can have it enlarged at ‘Office Depot’, then have it laminated, cheap enough that have it done twice. I had mind done in 2012 or 2013, don’t remember the price but cheap enough. Make sure the diagram is the correct one, as I was doing the rewiring I mentioned that something was not quite right with the thing and I think it was Richard Liggett that sent me the correct diagram. Hope this helps.

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I guided my local printer to the V12 wiring diagram on XKE Data and had them print it in size A0 which is 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches, pinned it to the workshop wall beside the car, I can read it clearly from inside the car.

Having spent hours huddled over the Bentley diagram which is good but rather small its very nice to see such simple solutions. Thanks to all and why didnt I think of that😊. Another duhhhhh moment.

Another option is to purchase a full color large laminated wiring diagram from Prospero’s Garage.

I bought one for each of my 2 e
E-types, mk2, Austin-Healey and classic Mini.
They are well-done, accurate and easy to follow.
No affiliation.

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Years ago I got large print outs of the individual circuits in a book made it easy .I couldn’t decipher those wiring diagrams in my twenties and there was nothing wrong with my eyes

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That’s what I did, and it now hangs on the wall of the garage.

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