Wooden E-Type OTS

The paper E-Type thread reminded me of this life-sized wooden OTS from a few years ago. Pardon me if this was previously shared.

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Looked great… but it wooden run.


Christ, don’t show @John_Walker: he’ll varnish it.


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Awesome workmanship!! Could this be the start of an E-type splinter group?

It should last forever as it would not be subject to the tin worm, but what about the wood worm?


…splinter group.


Odd going through all that work and not making it a series 1 with the toggle switches and lamp covers. Those are the big money features everyone wants on their wooden E-type. Maybe he finished it before transparent wood was invented.

What would that be, Star Trek VIII? :joy:

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Well, no problem with rust. Termites, dry rot and wet rot might be a problem though.

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Here now! Star Trek -4

…someone with waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands…


Wherever space and time interact, there is information, and wherever information can be ordered into knowledge, and knowledge can be applied, there is intelligence.
Pavel Mirsky, mid 21st Century Russian General

…and a budget for wood, glue, and clamps that exceeds mine!

I’ve seen worse…


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And I’ve seen better…

(ok, it’s only wood underneath)

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So, is this a S-1.75? It’s got the S-1 tail lights… :wink:

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I am sure my carpenter ants would love to drive it…to sawdust