Yet another ignition question… 6.0L dizzyless... Ignition curve/map

Scatter plots and histograms are available as standard in the “HD” version of Megalogviewer, which costs about $50 iirc. (The standard version is the free one.)

You can plot anything you like on the X, Y and Z axes just by clicking on it and entering it - even new variables you have defined them first.

kind regards

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On the Jaguar V12, peak HP is attained at 5500 rpm (I think), and HP should closely correlate with airflow. IOW, the TPS chart should be nearly the same shape as the HP curve for the engine. Right?

Kirby, respectfully, I recon your question is flawed. The HP curve for an engine, any engine, will be only at 100% throttle.

Are you perhaps suggesting that the TPS curve should be “the minimum amount of throttle that will support the required air flow to produce near enough max HP at any given RPM”?

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Yeah, that sounds right to me.

This curve sets the TPS% that is considered wide-open-throttle based on RPM.
Does this curve actually reflect the performance of the XJS butterfly valve??
If it does I’ll use it in my enrichment strategy…so keen to know if it is “real data” …??

Matt, I have not tuned this map at all… Still in the early phase of the tune of this engine.