30th Anniversary!

So far, I like your idea the best.




Interesting. I didnā€™t realize this was originally part of SOL. I also didnā€™t realize J-Lā€™s history was that convoluted. If the when matters Iā€™d say when a web site names Jag-Lovers first appeared on the internet. I mentioned the date only because the time of year might affect what kind of events, either virtual or real, one could participate in. For example, I imagine a motor tour in January in North America would draw few participants while it might maximize participation in OZ and NZ.

I suspect fall or spring would work best for most, Late March to mid May or mid September to early November.

I like Jeffrey Crosbyā€™s idea, but I also like the idea of simultaneous multiple regional motoring tours.

Iā€™ve no idea how much J-L management would be willing and able to contribute to a 30th anniversary celebration, but if they were to issue 30th anniversary J-L window stickers Iā€™d proudly display one on Lola. Iā€™m thinking about the kind that sticks to the inside of a car window. Something maybe no larger than a deck of playing cards with a design unique to the anniversary and inclusive of all Jaguars. The J-Ler sends in a self addressed-stamped envelope and gets a sticker by return mail.


I like this idea, and itā€™s also an opportunity to get rid of the massive pile of regalia taking up a corner of my storage!


Even that isā€¦ complicated. Nick created the first J-l web page, but under his personal web site on his (then) ISPā€™s server. He called his pages the JagWeb though. The WayBack Machine has a copy, albeit from as late as 1999, after the move (see below) to my server.

On December 23, 1996, Nick posted this:

Subject: Yuletide greetings

Dear Jag-lovers,

just a short note to wish all subscribers a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year :slight_smile:

As this time of the year traditionally is a time of few postings
to Jag-lovers you are hereby invited to think back over the year
that is coming to a close and put down in writing any nice memories
you might have of life with your Jaguar. A story posted is a story
shared :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll also take this moment to plug JagWeb.com again. Plenty of
new material to look at, with 5 articles from Jaguar World, the
XK Newsletters from Guy Broad and new pages from renowned author
Philip Porter, including details of his books and his collection
of interesting cars. The JagWeb is at http://www.jagweb.com

Iā€™ll hopefully find time to do some work on the JagWeb - home of
the Jag-lovers - over the Christmas too, so please mail on any
material you would like included. For those that may have forgotten,
the URL is http://www.sn.no/home/nick/jaguar.html

Thats all from me for now. Iā€™ll be keeping a watchfull eye on things
over the holiday as always.

Nick (admin)

I got involved in 1996 and later registered the jag-lovers.org internet domain name. The whois registry says the domain was registered on April 24, 1997. That was the first time the internet web address www.jag-lovers.org appeared.

Looking for more data, I found this old email from me to the J-l admins list on August 1, 1998 (ā€œbedrockā€ was the name of my server):

I thought perhaps some of you might enjoy some statistics.

During the 14 months bedrock has been running the Jag-Lovers.org lists,
the following amount of mail has been processed:

Incoming messages: 368,977 messages, a total of 1.86 GB received.

Outgoing messages: 10,215,909 messages, a total of 39.38 GB sent.

Not bad for an old warhorse. The number of subscribers to the lists as I
shut down sendmail on bedrock:

concours: 90
concours-digest: 78
e-type: 275
e-type-digest: 426
lumps: 82
lumps-digest: 142
modern: 171
modern-digest: 396
policy: 102
policy-digest: 105
pre-xk: 31
pre-xk-digest: 50
pub: 182
pub-digest: 219
racing: 115
racing-digest: 131
saloons: 140
saloons-digest: 284
xj: 238
xj-digest: 665
xj-s: 180
xj-s-digest: 398
xk: 183
xk-digest: 215
Total subscribers: 4898
Total (more or less) unique subscribers: 3336
Number of people on more than one list: 877


Gunnar Helliesen | Bergen IT Consult AS | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2
gunnar @ bitcon .no | http:// www. bitcon .no/ | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)

Doing the math: going back 14 months from August 1998 puts the time of the move to my server to June of 1997. I guess that makes sense. I got the domain in April and it took a while to move the list (there was only one) over. I found a ā€œfirst testā€ email from May 11, 1997, sent via bedrock, so it all tracks.

And then we pretty quickly split the one jag-lovers list into 12 lists, as per above.

The website may have been moved over before the mailing list though, Iā€™m not sure. Maybe @Nick remembers?

The WayBack Machine doesnā€™t have the earliest iterations of the site, but try this for a trip down memory lane. From November 11, 1998:


Totally lost in the mists of my mind, Iā€™m afraid.

Slick. The links, at least some of them, work.

Iā€™ll second that idea!

1 Like

Iā€™ve celebrated by looking up my earliest post in the archiveā€¦ (Iā€™m MGMagnette back then)

Fixing brakes with Teflon tapeā€¦ an idea only a 19 year old could come up with. Somehow Iā€™ve made it to 45 without dying by Jaguar.

The ancient archives are fantastic. Iā€™m so glad it was dragged along to the new site.


That was Andrew Waughā€™s doing. As I recall he managed to get a fair bit of it done, though not all. Any formal tribute to Jag-Lovers should acknowledge his contribution to bringing the site into the 21st century.


Lots of great ideas, Paul. The problem is, as you mention, itā€™s all work. If there is anyone that wants to take the lead on doing new stuff, please get in touch, weā€™re totally open-minded and keen to do new stuff.

I agree on the Facebook point. Iā€™m stunned by the number of groups there, with a goldfish-like span of topic retention, and super-specific areas of interest. Itā€™s clear that there isnā€™t really a decline in interest, itā€™s mostly that a lot of people donā€™t find their way to the forum format.


Gunnar, thanks for moving this post. I tend to think small, I guess. I was envisioning something along the line of a 30th anniversay T-shirt, glass / mug, window decal, fender cover - something like that.


I would happily buy a T-shirt, with the Jag Lovers logo on it, and some way of indicating the 30th.


Fascinating history, about which I only knew the barest.

What is now this forum was as I understand it was started by a couple of university people with interest in Jaguar cars one of which lived here in Western Australia and my book coauthor john elmgreem was instrumental getting the XK bit up and running.

Sample Pages at The Jaguar XK120 and XK140 in the Southern Hemisphere | Book Contents

Visit: www.jtpublications.com.au for full details


Just an observation about the logo:


It bears .org, the predecessor to the current .com. Attempts to access the .org site are not redirected to the current .com site; rather, there is a banner advising of the current site:


Yes, true. I tried updating it, but unfortunately I donā€™t have the graphic design skills. And the original file has long since been lost to the mists of time, so Iā€™d have to start from scratch.

If you (or anyone else reading this) have the skills and would like to try to update the logo, weā€™d be very appreciative.

Thatā€™s on purpose, as there is information on the old site which still hasnā€™t been moved to the new site. That work has been stalled for years, unfortunately.

I donā€™t have the chops for that, but Grooveman from the XJ40 forum may have, I have seen some of his work on the forum. Groove, are you listening? :slightly_smiling_face:

@Grooveman may raise the Bat Signal!

5 posts were split to a new topic: Problem contacting admins - which email?