A/C evaporator replacement

Success. After I pulled the studs out, the steering column came right out.

I will start another thread on this, but how do I have to deactivate the passenger air bag? If so, how?

Me again. My manuals do not show the method for removing the fascia on the face lifts. Does anyone have the directions?


Working slowly due to the temp in my garage and SWMBO.

Got the steering wheel and the fascia out, now on to the next step.

My car is an early 94 V12 coupe, and I am finding the manuals do not totally cover it.

I thought my 94 was all metric, but then I went to the hardware store to get two studs (#9 in the drawing). Turns out they are 3/8x24.

At the point where it says to remove the nuts holding the a/c unit to the bulkhead. I might be blind, because I don’t see them. Anyone know where the nuts are?

I suspect that those nuts on your 1994 XJS are in the same location as on other Jaguars, on the engine side of the firewall.
Attached is a picture of the engine bay of my former 1984 XJ6 Vanden Plas, right before I installed a replacement engine, with the two nuts that hold the climate control assembly in place circled in red. This car has the Delanair MK II Climate Control System but it is probably the same in your Delanair MK III equipped car.



Did my post and picture help you find the two A/C unit retaining nuts?


Yes it did, thanks. Now I have to figure out how to get to the one obscured by hoses, etc.

Please for the love of God give an update!! Did the evaporator you got off evilbay work or not? I have a '95 as well and I might have to replace my evaporator as well. I have been on a quest to find a replacement.

AC Global Metals Inc

Lesley Cabrera

10630 SANTA FE AVE SOUTH GATE, CA 90280 United States

Phone: 323-569-9916


If the fascia wood or the a/c blowers need to be replaced


If I was that deep in there I would definitely take the blowers out to at least check them out and put a couple of drops of oil on the motor bearings. I had to take everything apart just to do that…
Check the servo mechanism, switches and vacuum lines
Clean the heater core and replace the foam (I bet there is no foam left) and also the foam in all the climate control flaps.

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I have a 96 XJS and it is R 134a and Yes My AC don’t work either

I was thinking if I need to replace the Evap on my 96 xjs I would maybe go to a retrofit . Anything will fit with a big enough hammer . Old Navy term

I am trying to find out as well , I was told by Pauls Jaguar the hardest one to remove is the one covering the airbag on pass side he said dash has to come almost down to access the screws or bolts holding it on the rest pop off using a plastic flat prybar moulding tool

Wait… are there 2 evaporators? I thought there was only 1. You have 2 in your dash??? :scream:

We MARINEs say the same thing only we use C-4. LMAO Anything will fit with enough force, violence, or explosives.

No need for the hammer, they make direct replacements

Good afternoon, sorry for waking up old theme, but i’m undertaking currently AC Evap change (Mine is leaking badly); 1995 Jaguar XJS.
I totally cannot find any replacement - maybe some suggestions on where to look AC Evap?
Thank you!


Fortunately my evaporator was verified to being in good shape by a radiator shop. I did replace my condenser with a much larger custom unit that I am very happy with. They also make the condenser for the XJS as well.
Global Metals Inc.
Lesley Cabrera
(323) 569-9916
I found that Lesley really knew her stuff when it came to cooling systems.
I am just a satisfied customer and not affiliated with the company in any way.

Dear A.J. Thank you for your reply.
Which code did you used with them?