Brake and Anti-lock lights have come on


I respect your opinion as everyone is entitled to one.
I mentioned I retired 29 ears ago debt free to rescue homeless and abused animals. The Jaguar is merely folly and keeps me off the streets. I have a very curious mind and believe one should learn new things and contemplate new ideas everyday, and I have learned a great deal from this forum.
I do the best I can with what I have, and frankly I believe there is never a stupid question, never.
I see with your incite I am in with the wrong crowd of people and will not write again.


Fair enough. No, post away for sure. I will refrain from chiming in.

Well, we now know that the brake pump is working, but you have no ABS. You are fortunate that you did have boosted braking , but with no ABS. I have one more important Question based on the fact that you stated that you had a 1989 XJS - does the combination pressure switch on your ABS pump unit have a Black Plastic Top (OEM) or a Blue Plastic Top (replacement)?

Greg made some realistic comments regarding the situation here. As I mentioned before, we can tell by your answers if you have followed any of the test procedures we have provided to you, or if you are just throwing back guesses to us. If you give us some honest answers based on the tests (done in the proper order) we can help you, and you will learn in the process. If not, then you need to hire a mechanic or shop to do that work, and it is going to cost you a lot of money to get your XJS in proper running order, and to maintain it so. It’s your money and your call.


The relay you speak of is not in the boot of the vehicle. It is under the scuttle on the passenger side along with two 30 amp fuses relating to the ABS system.