Jaguar XKE hard top auction

A few years… we can relitigate it.


My wife reminded me, steaks for two is almost $100 at the supermarket…

You gotta find a better meat hawker: I just got two rib eyes for ~$45.

My meat ration for this six months!

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Wiggles, New Jersey can be a very expensive state. :blush:

Even in the Bay Area they’re not even close to that unless dining out😱

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Interestingly people are still willing to pay $us300k plus for a damned fine restoration….


Im still in DUMP YORK, Its 100 dollars for a roll of toilet paper, good news it wont be much longer.
Remember at 300 grand, that restoration and cost was almost500 with purchase of car.
Just read the obits in the JCNA and the car of your dreams awaits.

We just had fantastic steaks (but maybe not American size) for four people, a bottle of French wine a couple of Belgian beers, in a grill/bbq restaurant / bistro by the main square in Charleville-Meziers in France. Just a bit over €100,- euros incl taxes and service, no extra tipping (20-25%) required, card payment, no grey economy. Works for me. YMMV.


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Back on topic, LWB hardtops are still cheap, I got this one for €2000,- euros about five years ago, unrestored, not perfect but 100% original and good enough for me.



Some friends went on a sailing trip from Long Island sound to Massachusetts during Covid though impromptu they decided to opened a bottle of vintage wine. I found out later the bottle was truly expensive at $5000. He considered it cheap like a twist cap “Dollar Store” wine wow ! I wonder what vintage is served for very special occasions? Maybe he can buy a $25 thousand Jaguar hard top and use it as a serving tray for hors d’oeuvres


If you ever have occasion to be in the Texas Panhandle. :smiley:

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While on a trip to Montana several years ago the people we were visiting took us to a favourite local steakhouse. As was my penchant back then I ordered my steak “blue”, only to discover the term has a different interpretation in Montana vs Ontario. In Ontario it means seared hard on the outside and cold red inside. In Montana the steak still has a pulse.


A little red wine with that will settle your stomach :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :+1: :+1: :sunglasses:

I’m always interested in word origins and have long wondered why essentially raw came to be called blue. Maybe for the same reason a winter artic blast from Canada is referred to in sections of the U. S. as a blue norther?

It comes from the French “bleu”, the hue of cold, raw meat, but still briefly seared over a very hot flame or skillet. The first time I was in France and staying with friends of my cousin I was offered “viande rouge”. This turned out to be a slice of beef roast that was warmed up in the oven and entirely raw.

My mom, alternatively, if we were in a restaurant and was asked how she liked her steak she’d either say, “I’d like it so that with some iodine and a Band-Aid, the beast will get up and walk away,” or she would say, “just have the cow walk past the table, give me a sharp knife, and I’ll cut off what I want.”

My wife is more of a medium girl: when we first met, she was a bit aghast at how I liked my steak and it took quite a while for her to understand that very cool in the middle and warm outside was done.

At restaurants, when the waitron asks, "How would you like your steak cooked?, I respond: “I wouldn’t.”

For about six or seven months, apres marriage, my wife would ask, "are you sure that’s how you like it? "


I never heard the term, “blue,” until my Aussie ex intro’d it to me.

When I asked her what the hell it meant, she said, 'it’s the same as when you meet someone who’s got a bald head and you call them ‘Curly!’


“Snap off the horns and wipe it’s ass” is probably my favorite temperature reference but I eat my steak medium.


Your mom sounds like a very cool lady, not to be trifled with.


Wiggles …that is very funny

i will sell my series 1/2 hardtop. complete but needs restoration. all there.
$26k obo