Late XK120 OTS front wing variants?

I identified her in this earlier thread:

She was the granddaughter of a US senator whose surname, Stevenson, was her given middle name: Jane Stevenson Skidmore. An only child. Daddy Skidmore was a wealthy industrialist who left his daughter a large estate and sizeable fortune - when she died in ‘66 Jane was living off an inheritance trust that paid out around $330,000 a year, or about $2.5 million in today’s dollars.

Anyway, thanks to the insights provided by the contributors to this thread, Terry in particular, I now understand better the asymmetry between the two headlamp pods, ruminated over in this thread:

and rather than load up the slimmer headlamp pod in the replacement, trenched, left wing I’ve removed the lead loading on the right pod, broken the spot welds and using contour gauges and a flex rule have worked the pod a quarter inch inward to match. In this pic just taken, the inner flange already rewelded, the outer awaiting final adjustment before welding and lead loading all around. After this final, final fitting of the bonnet and then onto priming and paint prep.

Edit: I may have that trust number wrong - maybe it was the modern equivalent of $330K/year? Substantial, in any event.