MK2 Jaguar Pictures!


“I can name that car in one headlight!

For all you guys that have had bad experiences buying “merican cars” It wasnt that they werent
out there, it was because you were too cheap to check the right option box or you drank too much
KOOL AID from Road & Track.
I went to an Autocross in 1964 at the Pleasanton Fair Grounds and I watched
a 1964 OLDSMOBILE 442 win the event outright over Vetts, big Healeys, Triumps, etc.
So please spare me the loud whining. like the song 'It`s you own damn fault" Pete

If it was a stock olds 442, which I had the misfortune to drive one when I was a mechanic, all the other cars were badly driven. Even in a tarted-up form, that chassis was a horrible handling car.

Another opinion A 1964 roadtest at Riverside Raceway by Motor Trend. Read it and WEEP
1964-09_MT_Oldsmobile_442_Test_1-6.pdf (


Does this front Ashtray fit a MK2 ?

A poster kindly identified it as fitting a MK1

(any other Jags?)

If it doesnt fit a MK2, I will delete my post, so as not to pollute this thread :grinning:


That does not look like the one in my 64 MKII.

Out for a spin this morning , to pick some chrome up for a bike , noticed the brake pedal was a bit soft , so bleed time , hope its not money :rofl:


A road scene from London, Lewisham SE13

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Jeez , where was that Ian ?

If that Double Diamond means the beer, we used to drink it in a pub in Glebe in Sydney’s inner west. Paul.

It absolutely does Paul , seems like there was a pub on every corner back then .

A road scene from London, Lewisham SE13

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I was born and grew up there , yeh , I think that pub was the roebuck . A little River runs through Lewisham , we called it the Quagie . It seems the little River has grown a bit .

I was gonna say “that’s not how I remember Levisham”. But I guess that is because this is Lewisham :rofl:

And I worked at my dad’s garage in Catford , about a mile and a half away. We were on the police recovery list so been to many accidents and breakdowns all over the area. My daughter lives in Lee High Road today, which the begining of is roughly where the pictures was taken from .

My first school , ( five years old ) was Lee church Street , we lived in Glenton road , moved to Catford , two years later .where was your dad’s garage ?

Hi, I know Glenton Road. I think we used to park there when shopping in Chiesmans! The garage was in Davenport Road, off of Rushey Green. Swaddling toy shop was on the corner and George Lane was the next road towards Lewisham.

After moving to Catford , Rushey Green primary was my school , in Sangley road . I know Davenport road , and the George pub , on the corner of George lane . There was a Chinese almost opposite where we used to get a meal for one. Chow mein , sweet and sour pork , egg fried rice and a pancake roll for 8 shillings , 40 pence in today’s money ! I kid you not ! Oh bloody hell , showing my age now :scream: .
Where do you live now ?

I went that school too for a year when we lived in Culverley Road! This would have been in 65 or 66 & i would have been in year 4. Live in Goudhurst , Kent now

To be put together :thinking: :blush: