OTS Hardtop Purchase

Are you in the north eastern US? I know of a gentleman here in New Brunswick, Canada that brings a container of old British car parts into the port in St John once or twice a year. Shipping charge is by weight and is comparatively inexpensive. I could pick it up from the port for you and you could drive here and pick it up at your leisure.
Rob in Fredericton.

They’re called Pink Elephants in the old day…

OK…price was quickly getting out-of-hand. A possible $1,000 purchase escalated to $4-6k for a complete/in good shape top.

So…that said, I’m putting the top on the backburner…and will be using $$ to purchase that 123Ignition Tune+ distributor.

Thanks for educating me, once again !


The better choice, comparing bang for the buck. The single greatest improvement I made toward the enjoyment of this wonderful car over almost four decades was fitting electronic ignition. Pertronix dizzy in my case but the 123 unit has better reviews. The hardtop looks good, and the way it transforms the character of the car from the open-to-the-elements roadster in warm/hot weather to more coupe-like in cool/cold weather is pretty nice, too. I have it on mid October till the end of May, during which time I may drive it six weeks either side of salt on the roads. Storage half the year is the issue with it.

Save this search in eBay motors. You’ll get an email when one pops up

(jag, jaguar) (xke, “e-type”) (hardtop, “hard top”)

Hi Harold…just for info…one of our members just posted on the UK E forum that it looked like a scam as the photo of the rear screen was one of his photos…its the old story im affraid if you cant collect it or dont have references the seller then you buy at you own risk…Steve

$25,441.36? Is that a typo???

I’ve kept out of this. but Personally I think you are making a good decision.

It’s not what you look at that matters. It’s what you see.
Henry David Thoreau

It’s uprated, Dude. It really ties the top together

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If you select it on the website its a complete lightweight ali top

A fool and his/her money… :pleading_face:

I’m in the midst of redoing my hardtop, for the third time, and want to get it right this time. Erica, when you restored yours and kept the original headliner, did you replace the foam padding and hardboard? If so, can you report what you used and where you got it? Also, how did you secure the front and side headliner pieces? (Originally done with screws and upholstery tacks). What adhesive did you use? Thanks! Nick.

If you wouldn’t mind, when you have time, could you share some pix of the disassembled top ?
Just curious to see what all the pieces look like, how the liner , latches and two straps are attached to fiberglass.
Thank you.

It so happens I took video of the dismantling process, Marco. Hopefully it will answer your questions.

those two straps, contrary to my comment, are indeed handed.

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I didn’t need to Nick. I have just a tiny 1/8" poke in it. Like you I puzzled how to safely remove and replace it to patch it from the back and couldn’t figure it out so I decided to leave that Pandora box alone.

Good stuff Nick, it answered many questions and raised a few as well. You mentioned cardboard, what kind exactly ? Also, the liner detached from the foam, correct ?

Thank you.


I sourced the cardboard from a upholstery supply. It was 1/8” thick like the original but not as firm, so the result was not as smooth as I wanted. This time I may try 1/8” fibre board from which I’ll cut out the four pieces and wet form them to the front, rear and side contours of the hardtop underside. Yes, the vinyl separated from the foam. This was likely because I didn’t apply sufficient adhesive.

Wise choice. If there was a trimmer around here who could do the job I’d give it to him.

This informative thread has saved me a lot of time.

I’ve decided not to disassemble my hardtop. I’ll just have to remember not to look up.

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Thank you Nick , I’m looking forward to you progress reports.


Please beware of the available chrome for rear light on oem hard top.
I’d read here or somewhere that the parts were not really correct, but bought anyway.
Although rear window and gasket went well, (brass) chrome parts are not oem matched: 1/10" too wide, profile is incorrect, shape on one side is totally no fit, and both parts have a spring-like bow to them that will make permanent attachment a challenge. I have still not resolved my project, and am looking for oem parts to re-chrome and install. That is my experience; yours may differ.