Replacing drive shaft u-joints on '68 E

It’s great that it can be done but at 3-4 hours I’m not sure it saves a ton of time. I’d bet the IRS could be dropped and reinstalled in the same time.

Thanks for your reply . You may be able to remove the IRS in 3-4 hours but you then have another 3-4 hrs to put it back and the time to remove and replace the u-joints. With a little more experience using his method of replacing them “in place” I know he could reduce that time by about an hour.

She said…

I think it quite likely the time required is less than that (having done it a couple of times).

But as I recall your mechanic’s original claim was that he could remove the propshaft with the engine/gearbox and IRS in place - that was the task many here doubted.

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I’ve merged the “Part 2” topic with the original.

Good morning Don,
Thanks for the update and information, it’s always good to know that there is an alternative way to do this task. The klutz that I am would likely have one of the roller bearings get caught crosswise in the cap doing it this way but I think credit needs to be given to your mechanic for figuring out a shortcut!

Thanks Lynn. Getting the two bearings in place is the difficult part as you have mentioned but very doable with a little care and a very small amount of grease to hold the needles in place. I doubt that by removing the IRS the job could be completed in a similar amount of time. The only real advantage to that is the fact you can do it without a hoist. Our technique cannot.

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