Show us your workshop! Or show us your workshop library!

Jerry Peck had a nice workshop in the background of his V12 Engine Cradle photos… I was inspired. Everyone should show us their workshop!

My workshop is a old dairy barn. Cold in the winter hot in the summer, but it was cheap!


As I said, mine pales in comparison to many I’ve seen here.

Upstairs detached garage workshop.

Bench drill press pulls out.

Toaster oven for baking paint on small items.

All drawers are full extension.

Kitty being readied for engine removal.

Downstairs detached garage workshop.


My shop 20 years ago.

It is STUFFED with more parts than cars now.
Still can get two cars on the two lifts.

(guess I should take a pic every now-and-then?)
Maybe soon.


I can’t show you my old workshop. however, this is my current workshop at the Aston Martin Dealer. (smile)


The jag’s back there somewhere.


My home garage. Getting ready to reinstall the rear. 5spd conversion is next on the list.


Bought the house next door to get the property next to our house so I could build my garage. It is 2100 square feet. 12.5 foot ceilings. 6" thick walls with insulation. Central heat and air. Second bay is tapered with a drain so I can wash cars indoors as needed. Filled a bit more since retiring from Coventry West as I brought home a lot of equipment such as tire mounting and balancing stuff, Valve grinding setup, surfacer and shaft polisher. Doors are high rollup so as not to interfere with a car on the lift.


Wow, Dicks garage is the one I was waiting on! Nice toys brother.

Wait’ll ya see @Craig_Balzer’s shack…:wink:

Let me say what a lot of us on the list is thinking. I am so jealous of these workshops. (Smile)


Here’s mine in NE Colorado Springs

I built a PowerPoint slide show with details in comment boxes and then video’ed it on my phone. Allows you to pause on a single photo.

It’s about 5 minutes long - but, in addition to pausing, you can skip ahead and view it all in seconds

I bit more detail on that blast cabinet
3’ x 5’
23" tall
Easily handled my V12 block



And I can’t match @Dick_Maury 's stable, but



x10 : my “workshop” is made of 2 single car garages , each big enough to fit the XJS (2m80 x5m) and one other car, plus many tools stored between the garages and a small basement room

here’s the current state of the coupe, while I’m replacing the damper pulley :

and from the back (door slides just next to the rear bumper

enjoy your space, lucky you :grin:


If it is any consultation, I did a firewall-forward restoration on my 71 2+2 in a house I lived in while stationed in Germany (US Army, ret’d) – which – I now assume-- is representative of most European personal garages.

14 - All back together-- ready for the engine
I had a machine shop rebuild the engine and then towed the chassis to a automotive garage to marry them together.


At last a space I can relate to🙂


My little humble garage…
Just enough but have to make clever use of every available amount of space.
Doubles also as a Jewellery making workshop.
Luckily though I have plenty of space outside.


Here is my shop after cleaning the floor, its a mess now!!! Built 20 years ago, 28 x 30, I have restored several cars in it. I mistakenly made the ceiling 10 ft so had to make adjustments for the lift. A rule I try to live by is ‘buy no tool before I need it’. I love it, its so much better than tge gravel floor carport I pulled my first E-type engine for bearings and head refresh nearly 50 years ago.


Attached are some pictures of my 1,200 sq. ft. shop for our three Jaguars at our new home in South Carolina.

I still have some unpacking to do of the posters, pictures, and Jaguar memorabilia that I moved across the country. But it is pretty functional with the four post lift, and after I put up the shelving and built a work bench. Note the spare Jaguar V12 engine near the lounge area.



Now that you‘ve seen the best (and might feel lesser for it), here is… not the worst for sure, I can squeeze by on both sides. And I have access to a far nicer garage for short jobs, as be long as I don’t displace the E Type that lives in there for too long. And a proper shop, if I ask nicely. Happy? Yes!



On your third photo, is that a line drawing of an E-Type on the wall or a 3D wall art thing?
