[xj-s] Forum is sounding like a geriatric ward of Jaguar owners!

In reply to a message from Luis Gasperini sent Sat 23 Jul 2011:

Helping even more with the average, age 38.

Remember vividly the the 1st auto-show with Western car-
makers (after the iron curtain collapsed) and the shiny red
1990 XJS V12 convertible with cream leather interior – the
only V12 there. Later that year, as a freshman in college I
saw the V12 sedan (XJ40 I guess) that was the car of the UK
ambassador. The purr at idle speed from the dual exhaust
was truly amazing to a teenage boy who’d used to see on the
streets 4-cylinder ‘‘lawn-mowers on 4 wheels’’.

Never thought I’d be able to own one…love it.

I must add that the folks on this forum are absolutely

The original message included these comments:

At 52, apparently trying to help lower the average. :slight_smile:

'95 XJS V12 6.0L, saphire/tan
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